Priscilla Vaudelle


Priscilla Vaudelle initiates projects, programs and performances with her own company LostProject. With quick montages, music, spoken word, rap and dance, she sets the tone for stories that come straight from the heart of the city: powerful, universal performances, about current themes such as identity, sexuality, social pressure and upbringing.


Amsterdam-based theatre maker Priscilla Vaudelle (1982) graduated from the Theatre in Education programme at the Academy of Theatre and Dance in Amsterdam in 2013. During her studies, she founded the LostProject collective. In her work, Priscilla gives representation to people and stories that usually do not find a stage. Fast edits, music, spoken word, rap, and dance set the tone for stories straight from the heart of the city. Powerful, universal performances, about current themes such as identity, sexuality, social pressure and upbringing that resonate with a diverse audience.

She often works with communities and young talented actors without an art school education. Previously, Vaudelle made Man Down (2017), a raw piece in which eight young men in a cage battle with being a man. In co-production with Frascati Productions, she made The World Is Yours #TWIY (2019), about young people having to be slashies to survive today's job market. At Frascati Productions, Vaudelle continued her research into masculinity in the project Klas 5, in co-creation with boys from psychiatric centre Levvel (formerly De Bascule). More recently, she created the musical performance BIMS, which premiered in July 2021 and will tour starting January 2022. BIMS tells the story of a group of young Bijlmer residents, fighting against gentrification and racism.

The performance SIXTH premiered in Frascati in September 2022. It tells the story of young women and outward perfection. Straight through a threatening soundscape of rap, soul and R&B beats, a dark story unfolds around obscure cosmetic procedures and swollen bodies in the name of beauty.

At the end of November 2023, Priscilla's latest performance OSSO, was released at Frascati Productions in which the structures within a small family are exposed through sharp dialogues, vulnerable songs and fiery movements. Moving, funny and confrontational.


"Theater maker Priscilla Vaudelle dreamed of a great musical about growing up in the Bijlmer during corona. The result, Bims, is an ode to a long-maligned district."
Interview with Priscilla Vaudelle in Het Parool

''Het spel van de jongens is van een grote kracht, met veel herkenbare humor''

Theaterkrant over Man Down van LostProject / Tolhuistuin 

''Het daagt uit, want het heeft iets ongemakkelijks. En dat is juist wat dit stuk briljant maakt.''

Musicalnieuws over The World is Yours #TWIY van LostProject/ Tolhuistuin

''Game over is beslist een kwalitatief hoogstaande voorstelling die verder durft te gaan dan tal van reguliere uitvoeringen over zo’n precair onderwerp als racisme en het buitensluiten van mensen met een niet-witte achtergrond.''

Theaterkrant over Game Over van LostProject / Meertvaart Studio

''Een overtuigende lofzang op de Bijlmer.''

Theaterkrant over BIMS van Priscilla Vaudelle (LostProject) in coproductie met Frascati Producties
