Theater Rotterdam: Davy Pieters
Tue 15 Mar ’22 - Fri 18 Mar ’22
An performance thats zooms in on the children born after using the ‘genetic scissors’.
Tue 15 Mar ’22
Fri 18 Mar ’22

It might seem far away, but it’s closer than ever. We are now able to change the genetic code of body cells, bacteria, viruses and plants. With the CRISPR-cas9 technology we can adjust the properties of any organism to our liking. A revolutionary development that will have major consequences for humans, plants and animals.

The performance CRISPR zooms in on the children born after using these ‘genetic scissors’. How does the relationship to our body change when we view ourselves and nature as something we can readjust and regulate? In this visual and physical performance, we see these children growing up; exploring the limits of their bodies in search of who they are and how to be. An investigation of identity in a world that exerts more and more control over the technical side of our existence.

CRISPR is the first piece in a four-part series about growing up in a future world Davy Pieters is making at Theater Rotterdam. The central theme is the life cycle, through which we follow human beings during birth, youth, adulthood and death. Every stage of life raises an issue concerning the consequences of technological development and climate change.

Davy previously created The Unpleasant Surprise and How to Build a Universe at Theater Rotterdam; the former was selected for the Venice Biennale along with How did I die, and How to Build a Universe was awarded the VSCD Mime Prize in 2019. DO NOT LOOK BACK WITH REGRET premiered in June 2021, and was also nominated for the VSCD Mime Prize 2021.

concept, direction, scenography Davy Pieters performance Hali Neto, Ruth Borg, Qiqi van Boheemen a.o. music Jimi Zoet lighting design Varja Klosse dramaturgy Elowise Vandenbroecke advice Anoek Nuyens assistant director Diane Mahin production Emma Boots education and context programme Anne Sollie child supervision Floor Hengeveld technical engineers  John Thijssen, Hein van Leeuwen, Peter Leeuwenburgh, Marvin van den Berg costumes Costume studio Theater Rotterdam marketing & publicity Team marketing Theater Rotterdam

The option to apply technology in this manner is here, we are just waiting for the moment for it to be used. Where do we draw the line of what we find acceptable? Who decides on that limit? To research this, I want to show in this performance what this technology might mean for a future generation. For those who don’t yet have a voice in this discussion, but for whom it will determine the rest of their lives.

Davy Pieters