© Thomas Lenden

Residentie: big small otherwise

Isadora Tomasi / Frascati Producties
Fri 5 Jul ’24 20:00
Performance that deconstructs binary and heteronormative narratives using storytelling, music-making, and movement.
Fri 5 Jul ’24

During a residency at Frascati Producties, Isadora Tomasi is editing and refining the dramaturgical and performance aspect of her graduation work big small otherwise and on Friday, July 5th, they will be presenting this work to the audience. 


It’s very, very, very, very warm. We’re very, very, very, very sweaty. And we forgot which… we forgot which body part is which. We forgot which body part is which, and we touch. We touch our knee. We touch our knee and it feels…. it feels like a big warm waterfall that opens the knee and splits it in many, many pieces. Softly warmly. Our knee. Our knee is like a mountain.

big small otherwise explores the liminal space between the real and the imaginary, incorporating elements of storytelling, music-making, and movement to create an intimate performative space. It looks into practices that deconstruct the binary rhetoric, as the performers search for their ways of confronting the patriarchal gaze and find the politics of pleasure in expressing, re-imagining and presenting their identities.

Inspired by Paul B. Preciado's work on the body as a site of political resistance and drawing on Sara Ahmed's proposal on finding new possibilities for embodied existence, big small otherwise pushes the boundaries of the conservative theatrical conventions, encouraging fluidity.

The performers take the audience on a journey of discovery, exploring the in-between, and embracing coexistence rather than separation. big small otherwise challenges heteronormative narratives and invites the audience to experience a small but potentially impactful ‘otherwise’. For this residency Isadora is supported by The Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK). 

  • Location: Studio 2, Nes 71
  • Not wheelchair accessible
  • Language: English
  • Duration: 60 min.


concept, dramaturgy and direction Isadora Tomasi in close collaboration with Konstantinos Chatzikypraios, Rita Bifulco performers Rita Bifulco, Isadora Tomasicostume design Nell Schwan sound design Isadora Tomasi, Rita Bifulco production Anca Turtoi special thanks to Daniela Bershan, Bruno Listopad, Miguel Angel Melgares & Maciej Sado photos by Thomas Lenden light & set design graduation performance Paulina Prokop 


About Isadora Tomasi

Isadora Tomasi is an Amsterdam-based performance and sound artist. They graduated from DAS Theatre Master Programme in 2023 and obtained the Bachelor in Mime at the AHK in 2015. Isadora's work shifts between movement practices, writing, singing, music and sound within the performance setting. 

Her practice is rooted in collaboration and in building conversations between communities of artists. They collaborate with several international performing artists in Amsterdam and abroad. Her work has been presented in various national and international performing arts institutions.

They work in parallel as sound designer and technician and they also release music under the artist name YKA.